An indispensable part of our hosting platform is our custom–built Web Control Panel. It is the only Web Control Panel you have to sign on to in order to manage your web presence, which removes the necessity for any additional panels. You can effortlessly administer your web sites, your domain names and your billing transactions from one single location.

Our Web Control Panel is designed to make it easier for you to administer your website. It is simple to navigate and you can quickly travel from one section to another regardless of where you’re. All the tools that we’ve included are intuitive and user–friendly, so there is no real learning curve. And we’ve incorporated a lot of other charge–free tools that will help you with any task – from speeding up and customizing your existing websites to launching new sites.

Mail Account Manager

Email management is really easy with us

When you own a website, you need to also administer all the e–mail boxes associated with it. And while writing emails is really easy, managing the respective e–mail box accounts can be hard. You may need to deal with junk messages, to create mail filters, to worry about security matters, etc.

With our Mail Account Manager, you’ll realize that administering e–mailboxes is not hard at all. You’ll have instant access to all critical features (you can redirect mails, set up e–mail filters, activate unsolicited bulk email protection, etc.) and you can administer multiple email accounts at once.

Mail Account Manager

Domains Manager

Managing multiple domains simultaneously is really easy

When you own a number of domain names, administering them with conventional Control Panels can be tricky. The Web Control Panel–integrated Domains Manager enables you to administer all your domain names simultaneously.

If you’ve got multiple domain names, you can also allocate different labels to them. This way, you can quickly filter out your domain names and find only the ones that you need.

Domains Manager

File Manager

Manage your files and directories with a mouse click

With the File Manager built into the TidBit5150 IT Services Web Control Panel, you will have one of the most powerful web file management tools in your hands. With it, you can upload files simply by dragging them to your browser window. You can move files and folders in your account by dragging and dropping them. You can decompress uploaded archives.

You can also right–click on a certain file or directory to access these functions.

File Manager


A dependable firewall program for your web apps

If you want to protect your web app against hack attacks, then ModSecurity is here to give you a helping hand. It is a firewall designed to obstruct hack assaults, cross–site scripting assaults and URL forgery attacks. It works automatically according to a set of pre–defined rules and requires no attention on your end.

With our Web Control Panel, ModSecurity will be enabled automatically for all domain names. You can disable it anytime you want.


Website Accelerator Instruments

Your site will now be much faster

If have some practical experience setting up and customizing web sites, we’ve got some remarkable Website Accelerator Instruments for you. Node.js, Varnish and Memcached are incorporated right into the Web Control Panel. With them, you’ll be able to increase your website’s load speed by ten times.

Website Accelerator Instruments

A Cost Free Website Generation Application

A user–friendly Website Builder

With the TidBit5150 IT Services Web Control Panel, we give you the opportunity to set up a fully custom website using our Cost Free Website Generation Application. The Cost Free Website Generation Application is built to work with 100+ different web design templates available in different colors, which you can customize as per your preference.

The best aspect of our Cost Free Website Generation Application is that it can be used by anyone. Thanks to its simple–to–use What–You–See–Is–What–You–Get editor, you can create your custom web site from scratch without needing to insert a single line of code.

A Cost Free Website Generation Application

Hepsia vs. cPanel

Evaluate and decide for yourself

When speaking about Web Control Panels, there’s one name that comes to mind – cPanel, a brand, which is now a synonym for "Web Control Panel". Nonetheless, whilst cPanel is extremely popular, during the last few years it has started to become outdated.

Check out how cPanel compares against our custom–developed Web Control Panel. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of each of the two Website Installers.

Hepsia vs. cPanel

Marketing Tools

An RSS News tool, a Sitemap Generator, a GeoIP forwarding tool

In our Web Control Panel you will find a number of marketing tools – our Sitemap Generator, our RSS News module and our GeoIP redirection tool.

With their help, you will be able to quickly get all your web pages listed in the major search engines, to post the hottest news on your site with ease and to send visitors coming from different geographical regions to different areas of your site.

Marketing Tools
  • Help Center
  • Web Marketing Tools

  • We include multiple Web Marketing Tools that will help popularize your websites. Those are a Sitemap Generation tool, a GeoIP redirection tool as well as an RSS News Feeds interface.

  • Easy to Install
  • Quick Web Site Installer

  • When using the Web Control Panel, you can easily build your own personal website within seconds. Just simply choose a template for your web site and then designate where you wish it to be set up. That’s it. Your new web site is going to be on the internet with just a click of the mouse.

  • 24x7 Suport
  • Cost Free Website Generation Application

  • Spend less on website design with our online Cost Free Website Generation Application. Produce your own website yourself.A quick and easy to work with site constructing wizard. No scripting knowledge will be required on your part.

  • Service guarantees

  • All of our plans come with no setup fees and a 30–day reimbursement guarantee. Our average response time is usually 20 minutes.
  • Compare our prices

  • Easily review the allocations and features provided by our website hosting plans. See which package gives you just what you need to install and deal with your web sites comfortably.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • We are available for you in working hours to respond to just about any questions regarding TidBit5150 IT Services’s cloud website hosting services.