We present you with a user–friendly and uncomplicated Database Manager, included with our Web Control Panel, from which you could generate brand new MySQL and PgSQL databases directly. In addition, you are able to be in charge of their configuration settings from the immediate access given to the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software tools.

Neat and Uncomplicated Interface

Manage all of your databases from one place

The Database Manager in our Web Control Panel contains an effective but still user–friendly and uncomplicated user interface. You are able to set up a new MySQL or PostgreSQL database simply by specifying a user name and password. Moreover, you may create a back–up file or modify the password of a database with a click of the mouse.

From the Database Manager you’ll get immediate access to the admin area for all of your databases, so that you can make effortless changes in case you have to.

Hepsia File Manager

Simple and easy Database Backup

Database backup copies can be a mouse click away

Within the Database Manager you are able to generate an archived copy of your database whenever you wish! This way, you will always have a backup of your dynamic information if your web site gets hacked or you erroneously erase a database. To generate a back–up: click the ’clock’ image next to a particular database and afterwards wait for a few seconds for the backup process to be performed.

There are no restricts for the quantity of databases you are able to back up or the volume of back–ups you can make for a database.

Hepsia File Manager

PgSQL Databases Support

By far the most risk–free open source databases

You can find PgSQL support in all of our hosting packages. PgSQL databases aren’t as popular and frequently used as MySQL, however they give the maximum level of safety for your site content and articles. Because of this, many famous companies like Skype and Yahoo work with PgSQL databases. Taking care of PgSQL databases is as elementary as MySQL, due to the easy–to–use interface of the Database Manager.

PgSQL databases are incorporated by default within the most advanced web hosting bundles. For the regular bundles, they are suggested as upgrades.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The brand new face of MySQL

With TidBit5150 IT Services, you will regularly find the most current version of MySQL and the default MySQL storage engine – InnoDB, mounted.

InnoDB is definitely more reliable than the old storage engine’s edition – MyISAM. It is ACID–compliant and, above all – it offers complete transaction support. In addition, it utilizes row–level locking, instead of MyISAM’s table–level locking, that previously used to lead to effectiveness issues at peak usage periods.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

Comprehensive statistics for all of your databases

From the in depth database statistics tool built into the Web Control Panel, you will be able to make a record of the load generated by your dynamic websites twenty–four hours a day. Every single overload issue with your sites can slow the loading rates and have a damaging influence over the overall experience of your website visitors. Which means that, by having information about the database load live, it will be easy to eliminate overload problems as soon as possible.

The database statistics user interface displays info of the number of daily, hourly and monthly lookups, allowing you to analyze the way the load is allocated over different periods of time.

Hepsia File Manager