For decades there seemed to be one reputable path to keep data on a pc – using a hard drive (HDD). Having said that, this kind of technology is by now displaying it’s age – hard disk drives are really loud and sluggish; they are power–hungry and are likely to generate a lot of heat during intense procedures.

SSD drives, on the other hand, are quick, consume far less power and are generally far less hot. They furnish a brand new method to file access and storage and are years in front of HDDs when considering file read/write speed, I/O performance as well as power capability. Discover how HDDs stand up up against the more recent SSD drives.

1. Access Time


After the introduction of SSD drives, data accessibility speeds are now over the top. Due to the new electronic interfaces utilised in SSD drives, the common data access time has been reduced to a record low of 0.1millisecond.


HDD drives make use of spinning disks for files storage reasons. Every time a file will be utilized, you need to wait for the correct disk to reach the appropriate place for the laser to reach the file you want. This translates into an average access speed of 5 to 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


The random I/O performance is crucial for the operation of a data storage device. We have conducted thorough testing and have identified an SSD can manage at the least 6000 IO’s per second.


Hard drives deliver slower file access speeds because of the aging file storage and access concept they’re making use of. And in addition they exhibit much sluggish random I/O performance in comparison with SSD drives.

For the duration of our tests, HDD drives dealt with an average of 400 IO operations per second.

3. Reliability


SSD drives are created to have as less rotating components as possible. They utilize a comparable concept like the one used in flash drives and are generally more trustworthy than standard HDD drives.

SSDs offer an average failing rate of 0.5%.


For the HDD drive to operate, it should rotate two metal disks at over 7200 rpm, keeping them magnetically stable in mid–air. There is a many moving elements, motors, magnets and other gadgets loaded in a small location. Hence it’s obvious why the standard rate of failing of the HDD drive can vary between 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives are considerably smaller than HDD drives as well as they don’t possess any moving components at all. Because of this they don’t produce so much heat and need less electricity to work and fewer energy for chilling reasons.

SSDs use up somewhere between 2 and 5 watts.


From the moment they have been created, HDDs have invariably been really electricity–hungry products. When you’ve got a hosting server with a couple of HDD drives, this tends to raise the month to month electric bill.

Normally, HDDs take in in between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


SSD drives allow for a lot quicker data file accessibility rates, which generally, consequently, allow the processor to complete data requests considerably faster and to return to additional jobs.

The regular I/O wait for SSD drives is 1%.


HDD drives allow for slower accessibility rates in comparison with SSDs do, which will result in the CPU being forced to hang around, while scheduling resources for the HDD to find and give back the requested data file.

The regular I/O wait for HDD drives is approximately 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


It’s time for some real–world illustrations. We, at TidBit5150 IT Services, competed a complete platform backup on a hosting server using only SSDs for data storage purposes. In that operation, the average service time for an I/O request stayed below 20 ms.


With the exact same hosting server, yet this time built with HDDs, the effects were totally different. The average service time for any I/O request fluctuated between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


Talking about back–ups and SSDs – we’ve detected an effective advancement with the data backup rate as we turned to SSDs. Now, a typical web server back up requires just 6 hours.


In contrast, on a server with HDD drives, a similar backup takes three to four times as long to complete. A complete back–up of an HDD–equipped server usually takes 20 to 24 hours.

Our VPS servers plus our normal hosting accounts feature SSD drives by default. Be part of our TidBit5150 IT Services family, to check out how we can assist you to transform your site.

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