In spite of the fact that the web hosting service supplied by the different companies is virtually identical, each provider has a personalized platform with its own tweaks and ways to perform given things. In cases like this, an information-packed knowledge base would be really helpful both for persons with little to no prior experience and for technically savvy individuals who will sooner or later find out how given operations are carried out, but will lose time meanwhile. The objective of such a knowledge base is to help make the hosting service quick and simple to use, saving users both time and energy. The outcome is gladder customers, since they can effortlessly find the information they wish, and substantially less work for the customer service staff representatives, because typically the vast majority of the questions and problems that customers have are already enumerated in the knowledge base. Given that the articles themselves are competently written and cover more topics, you will be able to learn more not only about your own account, but also about the hosting service as a whole.
Extensive Online Documentation in Hosting
If you’ve bought your very first hosting package through our company or have migrated your site over to us, you will become accustomed to our platform and our custom-created Hepsia hosting Control Panel in no time due to the fact that we have prepared an exhaustive web-based knowledge base where you can find all the info that you will ever need – both general info with regards to the hosting service as a whole and more specific info about the separate functions that you can use and the predicaments that you might bump into. The articles are located in two places. The complete article archive can be accessed through the Control Panel’s Help section. You can find relevant articles about the different functions in every Control Panel section too. You can acquaint yourself with how to do pretty much everything, from creating an .htaccess config file to managing a mailing list, and all the articles feature thorough instructions, so you’ll never become confused due to an ambiguous text. Certainly, if you face a more specific obstacle and you don’t find anything about it in our knowledge base, you can get in touch with our client support team representatives 24x7.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated servers feature a comprehensive online article repository where you can find any info that you may require about our hosting services or about the Hepsia hosting Control Panel that we use. We’ve compiled it on the basis of the feedback that we’ve acquired from our customers over the years and, as a result, our articles cover particular issues that you may encounter and include the very best means of solving them, for instance receiving an HTTP 500 error message or not being able to send email messages from your desktop computer even though you have the right SMTP server settings. The articles are available in each single Control Panel section and you can check them whenever you wish. They can help you boost your knowledge not only about our services, but also about the hosting sphere as a whole, as they contain in-depth instructions and general info such as what file permissions or cron jobs are.